The Year in Review

From all of us here at The Plans HE Has For You Ministries we hope you had a very merry and blessed Christmas and wish you a prosperous upcoming New Year.

We want to thank you from the bottom of our heart for having a part in making our first full year in operation such a success. Through your support of prayers and finances we were able to impact the lives of nearly 400 children, to show them the love of Jesus Christ and to have a part in giving them a hope and future.

A February trip to Kenya laid the groundwork for our program, with meeting the school leaders to assess needs, take count of students and to engage local seamstresses to produce a new uniform for every child in the school. Upon returning to the States after this quick trip, planning commenced to take a team back to hold a Vacation Bible School in conjunction with delivering the uniforms and supplies.

In late-July, our team of 16 left for Kenya to share God's love and to provide the nearly 300 students of Nduchi Primary School with new uniforms and school supplies (Photos here). This is the local village school the children from Haven on the Hill Children's Home attend. We were graciously hosted by Haven for our stay in Kenya and were also able to minister to a visiting children's home and provide backpacks and school supplies for over 50 children. In addition, our time in Kenya was spent ministering in various other ways to families in the village.

Upon our return home, we still had an overflowing abundance of supplies and were able to share them with South Texas Children's Home at their Boothe campus near Pettus, Texas. STCH is home to more than 60 children who are given the opportunity to grow and thrive in a stable home setting.

All in all, through your gifts and God's blessings in 2016 we were able to distribute 275 uniforms, 350 backpacks, 850+ notebooks, 1,000+ exercise books, 1,700+ ballpoint pens, 4,000+ pencils, 600 erasers and pencil sharpeners, and 400+ toothbrushes. As we began planning at the beginning of the year I never imagined the overflowing abundance that God would provide through you. Thank You!

We have started planning and preparation for our 2017 programs and have set a fundraising goal of $15,000! Through your ongoing support we are currently a little over halfway to our goal. 2017 will see us return to Kenya to again work with the Nduchi Primary School. We will add shoes to our program this year. We are also exploring partnerships with other organizations that work with children in Kenya to give them a chance for an education to provide hope for a future. In addition, we are looking at ways to enhance and expand our relationship with STCH and other children's organizations in Texas. There is still time to get your 2016 donations in. Would you consider supporting us? Just click the Donate button to the right.

Again, thank you for taking this journey with us to help children see God's love and have a hope and a future through education. You have made a Kingdom impact and we are forever grateful.


Thank you!

