Planning Trip to Kenya

Robert will be travelling to Kenya the last week of February to plan and lay the foundations for our ministry trip this summer.  He is meeting up with our friend Janice from Haven on the Hill Children's Home and plans to meet with the leaders of the Nduchi Primary School as well as the uniform supplier, Lord willing.  Please be in prayer for this trip, that the Lord will open doors and help us to identify the ways that he would want to be glorified.

Once back from Kenya, we will commence plans for planning the dates to return in the summer (most likely late July-early August).  We will likely need assistance, so consider if the Lord may be leading you to travel to Kenya and get involved.  Please contact us for more information.

Online Donating Available!

Happy New Year to everyone.  We now have the ability to accept donations online through PayPal.  The Donate button on the right sidebar will take you there.  Our initial fundraising goal is $7,500.  We are 20% of the way there with $1,500 so far.  Please consider supporting our ministry.  Remember, a single $25 donation can provide a uniform, backpack and school supplies for one child.  Every little bit helps!

One last note: our 501(c)(3) application is still in progress, but should be actioned within the next 90 days, so any donations made will qualify for tax deduction once the tax-exemption is received.


501c3 Tax-Exemption Received!


Welcome to The Plans HE Has For You Ministries!